Pandora's Play Box Enter “Interview With The Artist” Now to Win A Feature!

Enter “Interview With The Artist” Now to Win A Feature!

Here you can answer the questions to “Interview With The Artist” now to win a Feature! This is an interview about yourself, your artwork and content . Please do not feel limited by these questions, you are the Artist and this is your moment to shine! If there is a question you do not want to answer, you don’t have too! You can add your own questions and the answer to them as well. Here is the list of questions:

The more creative your response, the more likely your interview will be chosen!

  1. What made you sign up to be a content creator?
  2. How many hours do you spend making your content per photo session?
  3. Do you have help?
  4. What inspired your style?
  5. Does your family/friend circle support your professional career?
  6. What is some good advice you can give to new creators?
  7. Where can fans/subscribers find most of your work?
  8. Do you see yourself doing this for the next 5 years?
  9. Do you have any other sources of income or do you make a living from your content alone?
  10. Are you open to collaborations with other artists?

Submit your responses below, if your interview is selected, you will be contacted by email, to receive compensation, and that is when you can provide any media content to go along with your interview. Once this process is complete your Interview will be posted on the main posts page of Pandora’s Play Box. Thank you for your time!